International Workshop on UCN and Fundamental Neutron Physics
RCNP, Japan
April 8 - 9, 2010
Main Info Program Proceedings
Opening address
1 TadafumiKishimoto Research Center for Nuclear Physics Osaka University PDF
UCN source
2 KichijiHatanaka KEK-RCNP UCN source PDF
3 JefferyMartin UCN project at TRIUMF PDF
4 ChristopherMorris The Los Alamos UCN Source PDF
5 BertrandBlau The new ultracold neutron source at PSI: status and first results from commissioning PDF
6 ManfredDaum R & D experiments for the PSI UCN source PDF
7 AnatolySerebrov Project of UCN sources at PNPI and program of Fundamental Neutron Physics PDF
8 EkaterinaKorobkina PULSTAR UCN source and some applications to material study PDF
9 Chen-YuLiu Coherent neutron scattering and its implications to UCN production PDF
10 HirohikoShimizu Production of ultracold neutrons at J-PARC (J-PARC P33) PDF
11 MasaakiKitaguchi Neutron rebuncher for pulsed ultracold neutrons PDF
Beta decay
12 J.D.Bowman Neutron Beta Decay canceled
13 AlexanderSaunders Neutron Beta Decay Measurements at LANL: UCNA, UCNB, and UCNb PDF
14 OscarNaviliat Measurement of the neutron lifetime with magnetically stored UCNs PDF
15 AlexeyFomin Monte Carlo simulation of the neutron lifetime experiment by storing ultracold neutrons with detection of inelastically scattered neutrons PDF
16 AdamRitz Probing new CP-odd physics with EDMs PDF
17 YasuhiroMasuda nEDM at a KEK-RCNP-TRIUMF PDF
18 RobertGolub nEDM at SNS PDF
19 PeterGeltenbort nEDM at ILL PDF
20 GuillaumePignol The neutron electric dipole moment search at PSI PDF
21 KoichiroAsahi Experimental search for an EDM in 129Xe atom PDF
22 YasuhiroSakemi Search for permanent electric dipole moment in Francium PDF
UCN physics and related physics
23 VladimirGudkov UCN and Exotic Interactions PDF
24 ValeryNesvizhevsky Centrifugal and gravitational quantum states of neutrons PDF
25 Willem T.H.van Oers Electroweak Tests of the Standard Model PDF
26 VladimirIgnatovich Reflection of neutrons from a magnetic mirror with helicoidal magnetization and a dispute with APS of USA on linear algebra
27 RyoheiMatsumiya UCN storage experiment PDF
28 TamakiYoshioka A novel technique to increase the UCN density for J-PARC UCN source PDF
29 KenjiMishima A Doppler shifter for a pulsed neutron source at J-PARC/MLF PDF